Man, oh man! Four more days! I can hardly believe it! This has been one incredible journey just looking back to the first time I talked to Jason about Africa back in January, and I can honestly say that God has stretched my faith a great deal! Wow! I'm so pumped about this trip because I know God's got His hand and anointing on us, and as we be His hands and feet to the lost and the broken and the hurting and oppressed, we will see God's faithfulness and His heart! I'm expecting so much; I want to come back from this trip completely wrecked.. The other day in Saturate, I wrote this following piece in my journal, and this is what I think it's all about..
"Justice.. it's not a one time mission. It's a lifestyle that reflects the heart of God. People, no matter what their circumstance or situations or geography, are still valuable to God! Therefore they need to be valuable to us. We can't fix every problem, but that's not an excuse to do nothing. Justice is the heartbeat of God, and we've got to run this race for those who can't. Amen."
Sounds great!!! Keep up the good work
Ol' Bill
Jamie, We are so excited about the opportunity you are having to serve the Lord in Swaziland. You and the team are in our prayers daily and we are expecting a large turn out for the Sunday service as a result of the sports camps and youth services that all of you are doing. All of this for the Kingdom of God! We love you, son. Love, Mom and Dad and Amy.
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